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Friday 23 September 2011

THE TAXI: Its how we get there

Stephen Coomber — Interactive Designer at TAXI 

Stephen Coomber 
from Taxi walked in our classroom at Sheridan in hoodie + jeans and seemed like anyone of us in the class that morning. But behind his laid back look — his design experience is anything but. Stephen has a wealth of experience and many creative campaigns behind him. He was generous enough to share his knowledge of the interactive world with the Sheridan post grad students.

Stephen graduated from the web design program at Sheridan and then started his career at Organic —a web-based company here in Toronto. He then moved to Y & R in Toronto a corporate giant and business driven agency. It was 9-5 but not as much creativity given to the designer. With already much experience, Stephen wanted a position that he could use his creativity and Taxi was definitely this—with many awards on their shelves for successful creative campaigns. However, with creativity comes rewards but also entails long hours. Stephen then proceeded to give us a presentation “A Day at Taxi – Enjoy the Ride!”

Stephen’s overview of Taxi gave us a glimpse on a everyday projects and environment. Cool projects like travelling to NYC staying in the Tribeca Grand (my personal favourite when I visit - personal white noise in your room to a great "perfect 10 martini" down at the bar ...ok I had to add that in!) Stephen did a video shoot in NYC among other projects using green screens, actors throwing lightning bolts and video editing—all very cool—to working on a top secret House makeover site for Canadian Tire here in Scarborough.

Taxi has a creative environment—but it is not open concept. There are open spaces but many designers have their own small offices with walls—which Stephen prefers—so he can "hunker down and work". The teams do meet together in open spaces in the office with information architects, web developers, designers with a plethora of Timmy's coffee and donuts to get the creative juices flowing. However, after all the meetings and briefings, Stephen only starts to work on the mac around 4:00pm so you can imagine there are many late nights.

Stephen shared that as many of us know there is many social events and networking is key to meeting peers in your field. He also gave us some invaluable and straight forward advice.

They know your new job better than you.
And you will want to return the favour and pay forward.

Always sit in the drivers seat and take control of your career.

Go to seminars and learn the latest....
and meet industry people (sometimes this may be after hours in a bar singing karaoke)

Let them tell you
@mashable, @theNextWeb, @taxiCanada

The creative industry is very much a social scene...
connections often happen after hours.

I appreciated this advice –– but since I am not a beer drinker—I personally will substitute a martini or on the healthy side of things a coconut water... 

“Don’t take yourself too seriously — Be passionate and have fun”
Stephen Coomber       

Taxi is renowned for winning award after award for brilliant creative and won Agency of the Decade in Canada. As a creative, it sounds like the place to be.

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